It’s been way too long of me sitting on the side lines these last few months.  I don’t know if I am having a mid-life crisis or what, but ever since Tony went to the Mayo Clinic this summer, I haven’t been able to keep it together.  Sure, on the outside you wouldn’t know that I am any different.  But with the fear of the unknown with Tony’s health, you’d think that I would do everything in my power to keep myself as healthy as possible to be strong for the both of us.  But it’s hard being strong for everyone all the time.  Once I let the few extra licks and tastes enter the picture, next thing you know a couple days of skipped workouts, turns into a string of days.

Here’s the thing about when I exercise – I tend to be more careful what I eat because I think to myself “do you want that three bites of whatever to negate the one hour of working out you just did?!”  9 times out of 10, the answer is no.  But when you take the exercise out of the equation, I just don’t give a shit about what I eat.  And it seems that if the exercise is lacking, and the eating is lacking, then everything else starts to slack too – laundry piles up, I may go two weeks between mopping the kitchen floor, I don’t balance the checkbook as often.  You get the idea.

Well, my pity party is over with.  I can’t compare my life to anyone else.  And while I am happy for my Facebook friend who is on their FOURTH vacation of the year stating “it’s so good to get away and relax”  when every day seems relaxing to me in my book, I just need to . . . stop.  One day I might think “why can’t we be the ones going on vacation?” to then thinking “you have everything you need, stop being greedy and appreciate the things you do have.”

While I can’t control the things around me all the time, I suddenly realized that between June and December of last year, shit was still going on, yet I managed to work out, stick with Insanity for 101 days straight and lost 20 pounds.  All while Tony lost his job, bills were piling up and I was looking for a second job.   Bottom line is, there is always going to be “stuff” going on in our lives, I just have to kick my ass and keep focused on getting healthy.

I put on my Healthy for 2014 Page on Facebook yesterday that I was just going to take it one day at a time.  My goals for yesterday?  Drink 64 ounces of water and not eating anything after dinner.  Well, I succeeded at both!

Breakfast was an egg white/spinach/ham omelet with American cheese, hot sauce (duh!) and a slice of toast.

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I cook my eggs in the microwave – so fluffy! Thanks again Mom for the egg cooker!

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I decided to test out my knee just by walking.  I didn’t want to do anything too strenuous and I enjoyed watching the Chew while walking for 40 minutes and doing 2.5 miles.  I will say though, after favoring my right leg for so long, the left leg is definitely weaker than the other.   I had to consciously force myself to put the same amount of weight on each leg while I was walking – I actually broke a sweat!

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When’s the last time you saw a gym selfie?!

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I made a pot of chicken noodle soup over the weekend.  I also brought a sandwich, but it was already 1:00 in the afternoon, and I thought the soup would be enough to tide me over until dinner time.  Um, I may like a little noodle in my soup!

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But I actually got hungry around 3:45.  I finally found the pumpkin Chobani, it was on sale too for .89 cents each, but I only bought one in case I didn’t like it.

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Holy balls, this was delicious!  It kind of tasted like a pumpkin pudding, if that makes any sense.  I could detect cinnamon and nutmeg.  I need to run back to the store and scoop the rest up!

I had all the fixings leftover from my Reuben pizza I made over the weekend.  Oh, I just realized I put it on Facebook and Instagram (are you following me on Instagram?  mybizzykitchen).  This is a recipe contest so I can’t give out the recipe, but I made a Reuben pizza – I’ve made Reuben pizzas before using rye flour, but it didn’t have the best texture.  Well, I hit this one out of the park – the contest states that you had to make your own dough and sauce for the recipe.  Swear this tastes EXACTLY like a Reuben!

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So when Tony wanted his burger with caprese salad, I knew I was going to have a Reuben burger.   Tony’s plate:

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And my burger.  Three ounce beef, almost as much sauerkraut, an ounce of melted Swiss cheese, and my homemade thousand island dressing – I can only tell you that I used Chobani greek yogurt in the dressing.  I had a leftover baked potato so I made fries out of it, and drizzled my fries with sriracha ketchup.

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I ended up eating all of the burger, and half the fries.  I was full and stopped myself from overeating – yeah!  I cleaned up the kitchen and deemed the “kitchen closed for the night.”

Oh, and guess who got the battery on their fitbit replaced!  I am back to all my fitbit friends!  If you have a fitbit and want to be friends, email me at and I’ll send you an invite to be friends.

I swear I had over 10,000 steps by the time I got home – I even showed Tony, but for whatever reason, when I synced up, it said I only had 1187, which is probably what I walked last night – huh?  Maybe because I hadn’t synched up in a while?  Oh well, I know I did the steps, and that’s all that matters.

Alright – time to get stuff together.  I actually have time to do Classical Stretch before I need to leave for work – go me!  Make it a great day!