I pretty much always have skinny pizza dough in my fridge all the time.  When I don’t I feel like the universe isn’t quite right, like it’s off kilter a bit!  I get asked all the time “Biz, can you freeze your dough?”  The answer to that is yes, but why would you?  It lasts in the fridge for up to 7 days and it’s usually gone way before the 7 days has gone by.

I love getting inspiration from Instagram – love that everyone is using my skinny pizza dough for not only pizza, but so many things – it really is a versatile dough.  Case in point, I follow a girl named Emy and she linked to a girl named Stella (check out her blog!) who made berry cream cheese danishes with my skinny pizza dough and within 30 minutes after seeing that, I was pulling mine out of the oven.  Okay, I may be exaggerating a bit, but if you have skinny pizza dough, and canned fruit, or very berry sauce, or even sugar free jam, you can make these!

If you haven’t jumped on the whipped cream cheese band wagon, you gotta do it.  It’s 2 points for two tablespoons.  While Stella tucked the cream cheese into the danish after it was rolled up, I decided to smear some of the cream cheese on each of the rolls before rolling up.  I made 8 to start with – 4 with the canned light cherry pie filling (1/3 cup is 1 point) and 4 with my very berry sauce (which was blueberries and strawberries) which is 0 points.

I then rolled them up and placed them on a baking sheet – I melted 1 tablespoon of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Light (1) and brushed some of the butter on parchment paper and sprinkled a teaspoon of sugar over that (shhhh….don’t tell the WW police but I don’t count the 1 teaspoon of sugar – it’s 10 calories divided by 8 danishes, so I just don’t). 😀

I placed them on a cookie sheet that I then placed on top of my baking steel – which pretty much stays in my oven all the time.  The result was a delicious crisp crust when they came out of the oven.

I baked at 425 for 14 minutes.

Have you tried my nearly zero point sugar free glaze?  Yes, it’s 2 cups of no calorie Splenda – I buy it in a big bag like sugar at Sam’s Club – when you add the lemon juice it’s like cotton candy, it melts to hardly anything – I end up with about 1/2 a cup of glaze – I love a lot of lemon, so start with a teaspoon of lemon juice and add more to taste. 

Again, I used 1/4 cup of the glaze, which is 1 point, divided by 9 danishes, and well, you get the picture, I don’t count that either!

How pretty do those look?!

I let them cool for about 20 minutes before adding the glaze.

Each one is 1.5 points a piece.  Best part is that they were still tender hours after I made them.  That night I placed them in a tupperware container, they got a bit hard, but just 10 seconds in the microwave brought them right around.  

You can taste the slightly salty cream cheese in every bite, and then the pop of lemon from the glaze is the perfect compliment to both the cherry and blueberry.

I contained myself and only ate two that day. 😀


I didn’t do a full grocery shop this week because I knew I had plenty of food.  I made a delicious overnight oat parfait with Safe + Fair chocolate granola, which is amazeballs.  Check out this link to get an exclusive jump on products that are no available to the general public yet – this is a company who has a wide variety of allergy free snacks that are sold at a fair price – so far all the products I’ve tried have been delicious.  Breakfast is 6 points.

Lunch is what I like to call “throw shit in a bag and make it look pretty when you eat it.”  Leftovers basically with some fruit – tasty though!  Lunch was 6 points.

And while dinner didn’t look pretty, it was a pan seared pork chop with a mushroom pan sauce and potatoes.  Easy and ready in about 15 minutes – dinner came in at 8 points.

Oops – need to add 2 points to my tracker – I made an English muffin out of the skinny pizza dough – again inspired by Sherri from The Kitchen Prescription – (she’s got gorgeous food – check her out here!).  I’ll be posting about that later this week.

My office is officially closed tomorrow – I couldn’t be more excited!  I mean, being able to spend all day in the kitchen on a Wednesday??!!  Pinch me!  I’ll be able to photograph the skinny pizza dough English muffins (which were done on top of the stove), I’m also making skinny pizza dough ravioli! and I am also testing out different ways to get a crispy crust on the skinny pizza dough without a baking steel.  It’s pretty much going to be the best day evah.

My Momma is back from her trip from Hong Kong and Thailand!  Welcome home Mom – can’t wait to catch up with you.

Happy Tuesday friends – make it a great day and don’t eat like an asshole.

Love, Biz