At long last I am finally posting Jacob’s Chicken Lime Soup – or what we call affectionately call it – Jacob’s Zesty Soup.

Jacob is a cook much like Tony was – he just throw ingredients together, tastes as he goes and adjusts accordingly.  In order to get an actual recipe, Hannah wrote down what Jacob did, when he did it, so while there are no “exact” measurements, I am confident you’ll be able to recreate this dish in your own home.

It all starts with a rotisserie chicken.  I buy one at Sam’s Club nearly ever week – its $4.98 and great to have in the fridge for anything – whether it’s soup, chicken tacos, enchiladas, tortilla soup, chicken sandwiches, the possibilities are endless.  It’s usually about the time around Wednesday when I bought the chicken on Sunday that I’ll casually ask Jacob “do you think you could make your zesty soup?”  In case anyone is wondering, Hannah and Jacob have the same love affair of onions.  I’ve had more onions in my house in the last three years than I have in the last 14 years prior.

Saute the veggies in a stock pot . . .

Chop up the rotisserie chicken.  You can either used canned corn – this happened to be frozen corn – thanks Hannah for your freezer inventory so we knew we had frozen corn.  I sure as shit hope someone crossed that off the freezer inventory list!

Simmer . . . 

Serve!  We always add a squeeze of lime right before we eat it – the lime totally makes this soup.


I don’t even mind the onions in this soup (although this batch seemed to have a lot more onions than usual!) but it’s spicy with the cayenne pepper, and bright with the lime juice and zest.  #love  And all photo credit goes to Hannah for the above photos – thanks Hannah!

And other than the oil, this is nearly a zero point soup – I count it as 4 points on #backto30 because of the chicken and corn.


I bought more low carb bread at the French Market – once slice is only 45 calories and so delicious.  It’s a local bakery in Chicago.  I made egg/avo toast – one hard boiled egg mashed with 1/4 of an avocado, with strawberries on the side.  6 points for breakfast.

Thanks to Hannah’s freezer organization, I discovered I had about a pound of beef stew meat, so I made a simple beef stew.  Jacob doesn’t eat potatoes, so I only made it with the beef and carrots, and served it with rice on the side.  I love cooked carrots.  I don’t really have a recipe for this one – I just kind of threw it together, but I did use have a bottle of Sam Adams winter ale – so good! 

I left work 30 minutes early for us to have dinner out for Hannah’s birthday.  We were picking up Jacob’s grandpa to come to dinner with us.  I was nearly 15 minutes from my stop when Hannah called to tell me that she was dying her hair and that we were going to dinner later.  Um, okay.  So we didn’t leave for dinner until 6:45.

The Lucky Monk has amazing beers on tap and I had a Scottish Ale – it was so good, and the perfect sipping beer.

Hannah had decided before we even go there that this trio of appetizers was going down.  Insanely delicious.

Jacob and his grandpa both got the fish and chips.  I had a bit and it was delicious – lightly battered and so flavorful.

Hannah got the fresh spinach pizza – it has a bechamel sauce on the bottom, parmesan and mozzarella cheese, and then topped with dressed fresh spinach and lots of shaved parmesan.  So good.

Not surprising, I got a burger.  Simple burger with Tillamook cheddar cheese, lettuce cooked medium rare with sweet potato fries.  This burger should be on a pedestal because it is delicious.  Perfectly seasoned beef, a little bit of crunch on the meat, and that cheese tho … #drool

Hannah requested Portillos chocolate cake for her birthday cake.  If you live in the Chicago area, you know that this is chocolate cake perfection.   Tony found a copycat recipe for the Portillo’s cake and the secret ingredient?  Fucking mayo!  You can find my shitty photos in this post from 2010 for that recipe – you’re welcome 😀

Um, it’s insulin worthy.

I am not even sure how many points I ate last night.  I did only eat 1/2 my burger and just a couple fries, but Hannah’s birthday only comes once a year.  I took pictures last night but realized I took them with Hannah’s phone.  I took a cute picture of Hannah and Jacob together, I’ll have her send it to me.

Happy Thursday – one day closer to the weekend.  Let me know if you make Jacob’s soup – tag me so I can show him. 😀  Make it a great day!