Eeek.  I can hardly stand it.  Yesterday we finally unwrapped the couch.  The dining table is back where it belongs.  The rest of my old furniture is being picked up tomorrow by the same woman who came and got my couch earlier this week, so we moved all of that out onto the deck and put a tarp over everything because we may get rain today and tomorrow.

My friend and decorator texted me last night and said “don’t put anything on the blog until after I am done.”  Well, that was after I already put a picture of my couch on Instagram, so if you want a sneak peak you’ll have to find me there at My Bizzy Kitchen.  After months of not being able to use half our house, this weekend everything will be completed and it feels so good.  When I was looking at everything last night, it dawned on me that I won’t have a constant reminder of Tony not being here because pretty much everything is new.  I won’t have to walk into the living room and see his chair and have my heart sink because he’s not in it.

And I actually think he’d love how its turning out.  My friend is so worried that I might not like some of things she has planned, but I keep telling her “Whit, you are talking to someone who was living with garage sale furniture (except the dining room!) for 14 years so anything you do is already a very huge improvement!  She’s coming tomorrow with her husband and Hannah and Jacob are helping them, and me?  I’ve been given strict instructions that I have to be out of the house from 8 – noon tomorrow.  So I see myself maybe eating breakfast out, hitting up the gym and going to the library.  And then when I come home it will be all done.

This is going to be a quick post.  I had a bunch of card board that I needed to throw out in the garbage today, but I thought it was going to rain outside, so I spent 15 minutes on garbage duty this morning.  No worries – I still have 25 minutes to finish this post, shower, dress, throw my food together, make a cup of coffee and get the hockey puck out of here.  Loads of time! Smile with tongue out

I brought whole grain English muffins to work to keep there yesterday and made an inside out panini – I flipped it and buttered the inside for the outside.  Inside was egg whites, spinach, ham and cheese.

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I’ve been walking every day at lunch and have hit a minimum of 10k steps every day this week.  If the weather holds out, I’d love to do some trail walking tomorrow.

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I was walking along when I looked down at my Spotify to change the music when this snake slithered right in front of me – scared the shit out of me!

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Lunch was leftover chicken noodle soup.  So easy and delicious, but this time I squirted a bit of sriracha into the broth to kick it up.

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Liz, you’ll be happy to know that I went through all my email notifications!  When I met her in Denver, she looked down at my phone and saw all my email notifications and she almost had anxiety for me because there were so many.  I am awful about managing my email, but it only took me about 20 minutes to whittle through it, and I didn’t miss anything important.  That’s my philosophy – if I miss an email and it’s important, I feel that someone will always email me again.  You need to check out her blog – she’s got some really awesome photography and recipes.

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So being so close to having a living room again, we decided to go out to eat.  It’s our local restaurant, and while my spaghetti my look boring, their marinara sauce is amazeballs.  This is a half portion too!  I keep telling Vince that he needs to raise his prices and reduce the portions in order to make more money.

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And, cheers to Tony, I drank our favorite beer:

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Thanks for all your comments about having to put our dog Red down.  Poor Rummy is finally beginning to realize that he’s not here.  When we left for dinner last night, we realized it was the first time that she’s been left all alone – usually she has Red for company.  When she started crying when we left it broke our heart.  And usually when I (or anyone) comes in the back door, she’s the first one at the top of the steps looking down to see who it is.  We took two cars to dinner last night because Hannah and Jacob went for coffee and to Walmart.  When I walked in the back door, no Rummy.  I called her name.  Nothing.  I walked up the steps and she was in Red’s dog bed”:

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Poor thing.  Although Jacob already texted me pictures of puppies for adoption, so I have a feeling that Rummy won’t be alone for long.

Alright, time to get this show on the road – good thing I can type fast!  Have a wonderful weekend – come back on Monday for a video tour!!