It’s not very often that I want a sweet breakfast, but sometimes on the weekends that’s what I crave.  I love making up a big batch of pancakes because they are so easy to reheat during the week and the freeze so well.  We’ve discovered that Tony doesn’t tolerate dairy too well, although for some reason, yogurt isn’t a problem for him.  I discovered flax milk a few weeks ago and I really love it.   It costs about the same as almond milk – I think that container cost $3.99.

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I had two pancakes with 2 slices of reduced sodium bacon and sugar free pancake syrup.  Delish!

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We were still short staffed at work, but I was able to get my walk in – it was a beautiful 75 degree day.

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I had some of the tomato tortellini soup from the night before last and I made a ham and cheese panini on whole grain bread on the side.

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I talked with Tony later in the afternoon and he asked if I was going to make the potstickers for dinner.  Yes!   I followed this recipe except subbed in ground pork for the chicken.  I also reduced the sesame oil to 1 teaspoon – I think that oil is a bit strong and it would over power the dish.  And of course I skipped the green onion.  Duh.  (I did add sriracha to mine though!

If you haven’t used wonton wrappers before – go get some.  My store sells them for .99 cents a package in the produce section.  I used a heaping teaspoon of filling for each one.  I just put together 10 that we had for dinner (5 each) so I will cook up the rest later this week.  Tony thought they would also be good completely deep fried.

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I also did the instructions backwards of cooking them.  She suggested to fry them first, then add the water to steam them.  I thought I’d lose the crispiness, so I steamed them first and then fried them in just a teaspoon of olive oil.  They steam for about 7 minutes because obviously the pork mixture is raw.  Be careful to keep them separated in the pan because they like to stick together once steamed.

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Super crunchy on the bottom – so good!  I tried to make Tony’s fried rice but it was just okay.  It didn’t have Tony’s magic touch!  You can check out Tony’s video here on how to make it.

I actually slept in a bit this morning – didn’t wake up until 7:30, but I don’t have to leave until 8:10 to get to work on time.  Plenty of time for activities! Open-mouthed smile

Oh, and Tony has a message for Sister Sister (Erin).  She works at the Coumadin clinic where Tony gets his blood checked to make sure his INR number is in range.  He wanted me to tell you that you’ve done nothing to help him in any way.  But you and I both know that’s a lie!

Alright, still 20 minutes to go before I have to leave – I can probably wash the car, make pasta sauce and shower in that time – ha!  Make it a great day!

OOPS!  Almost forgot to link to the recipe contest – click here to vote for my Pan Seared Pork Chops!