I was so excited about my Balance Bar giveaway that I forgot to mention that I was in our local Sunday paper!  Those of you who follow me on Facebook and Instagram already know, but Tony contacted our local paper after I won the Share the Pot Crock Pot recipe contest.    That was in early December and he never heard anything back.  Well last week a reporter finally contacted me and when I went to the grocery store, I picked up a copy of the paper.  I knew that it would be in the insert part of the paper, so that’s where I went to first.  I love that it’s my picture too!

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So I put the paper in the top part of the shopping cart, and continued my shopping.  Tony was home watching football, so I got to touch everything.  Yep, I am one of those people in the grocery store that touches all the produce, goes down every aisle, etc.  I could literally spend a couple hours in a grocery store if I let myself!  It wasn’t into half way into my shop I looked and saw that I was mentioned on the front page too!

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You can read the article here.  I have Tony to thank for being my PR director – thanks honey!  I told him when I got home from the store that I kept being stopped for autographs – ha! 

I ended up making another potato crusted quiche for four of my breakfasts this week – this time with broccoli, ham and cheddar.  This time baked in an 8×8 pan so four servings.   Served with some really good honeydew melon.

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I planned on swimming at lunch – it was weird.  Usually the gym is packed at the beginning of the year.  I walked into the locker room, swam for 40 minutes, and took a shower and changed and never saw another person except for the lifeguard in the office.  Huh?!  It was a sunny day so the reflection of the sun off the pool was so peaceful.  I love that you can just step away and not think of anything while you swim. Open-mouthed smile

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I was reading Courtney’s blog on Sunday.  She is a menu planning queen, so I like to check out her weekly menu.  Um, turns out I missed Jessica’s post on Honey Chipotle Chicken bowls!  I knew Tony wouldn’t buy into it for dinner, so I ended up making it for lunch.  The only thing was that my chicken didn’t turn out very spicy – if you like spicy I would double the amount of adobo sauce.  And I did make some additions.  I added pickled jalapenos, corn, black beans and for the dressing, mixed a 100 calorie pack of Wholly Guacamole with a tablespoon of ranch dressing.

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The lime quinoa was delicious.  My bowl was so packed I only managed to get a 1/4 cup on there.  Once mixed together this was not only delicious but really filling.  I made one for my co-worker (um, who also ditched the 21 day detox) and she said “this is the most filling lunch you’ve given me yet!”  I think because of the triple protein in the chicken, black beans and quinoa. 

In keeping with trying to eat less meat and more seafood, I made tempura shrimp tacos for dinner.  Tony gives me thumbs up every time I make these – I’ll have to remember these for during lent. 

I cheat and use a tempura mix – I don’t really follow the instructions on the package, because I usually only use enough for just the two of us – I pour about 3-4 tablespoons of mix in my bowl and then add enough water to the consistency I want – my batter is on the thin side.  For each of my tacos: 4 shrimp, 1 tablespoon white corn, 1 tablespoon black beans, diced tomato, sprinkle of cheese and hot sauce.  YUM!

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Thanks for all your support about my weight gain – I am using your confidence in me and I am up early this morning to hit the gym and get back to the weight training.  I am starting a new program on Body Building.com – this one looks intense

I packed my food last night, and my gym bag, just need to grab my Balance Bar for fuel and then I am out of here – make it a great day!