Sometimes my brain just doesn’t function right.  I left my day job at 4 and made it to the restaurant at 4:30.  Got my station, waited on my tables, everything was going really smoothly.  I am more familiar with the menu, I got to try out the new cappuccino machine (Stacie, you would love it!).  I tipped out and made $100, which isn’t bad for a pretty slow night.  I was all set to come home around 11:20 – except I can’t find my fucking keys.  I check my coat, my purse, the coat room, the cubbie I store my purse.  One of the bartenders and I checked the parking lot – they were just . . . gone.

My car was locked, so part of me thinks they should be in the building somewhere!  Although as I was falling asleep last night, I was trying to retrace my steps from when I got out of the car.  I remembered that the first thing I did was go into the office because  had forgotten to tip out the bus boy on Saturday night.  My only hope is that I laid them down on the Chef’s desk.  I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Chef’s offices – but tyically it is shared by all the managers AND the Chef.  There is a shit ton of stuff everywhere.  Maybe someone tossed a menu over my keys?  Fingers crossed!

So, sadly, I had to call Tony to come bail me out.  While I’ve told you that the restaurant is close to my office, it’s um, 45 minutes from our house.  Yep, Tony brought me the spare key at 12:05 a.m. and we got back home around 12:50.   Gah!   THANK YOU TONY FOR COMING TO MY RESCUE!

Now here is a quick run down of my day – I slept in a little this morning and I have 20 minutes to finish this post, shower, iron my work shirt and get out the door.  Totally doable!

Breakfast – breakfast baked potato – 4 ounce baked potato, scoop the potato out and scramble that with 1 egg, 1.5 ounces taco meat, baby spinach and top with cheese and put under the broiler.  Only 315 calories and 31 grams of protein!
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On tap at the gym for Fitmas?  Run a mile!

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I walked the first minute, so my time is a bit skewed, but not too bad considering I haven’t done any cardio in a while.

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It was chest and calves for the day – it took me 35 minutes to complete the circuit.

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My Fitmas gift for the day?  A cookie cutter with a sugar cookie recipe.  I had to laugh because the first two ingredients were 1 cup of shortening and 1 cup of sugar!

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I had more of Tony’s soup for lunch.  It actually tasted better yesterday than the day before!  I need to buy some more chicken broth to have the rest of it.

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And amazingly, I passed up on work treats.  This basket is the hit of the office.  Toffee, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered cherries – all of which I’ve already deemed insulin worthy!

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I got to the restaurant and this week we have soup.  You all know what I think about soup – loves it!  But I had a new to me soup I’ve never heard of – it’s called Straciatella.  Think of it like an Italian egg drop soup.  It was chicken broth based, had wisps of egg white, Italian sausage and spinach.  This picture does not do it justice, but this was so flavorful, I didn’t even need to add hot sauce or crushed red pepper!  I had two cups of that for dinner and I was a happy camper.

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I have no stats, but I am sure you all can live a day without knowing how many calories I ate today!

Which brings us to Tony’s portion of the blog today – enjoy!!

What’s in a name?

I have always hated my name. While I have an ethnic last name my first is boring and whiter than white. My folks were in an anti Italian mode when I was born, and I paid the price. Jeff is the melba toast of names. The reason I am known on the blog as Tony is because that was the name I always wished I had. My Grandfather who lived his whole life in and around Florence Italy was name Tonino, or Tony. Why the hell couldn’t I have been named Tony?

My sons name is Joe, or Joey to me. It’s a simple and direct name. My son has an air of cool about him. He doesn’t try to be cool, he just is. He isn’t perfect.  He recently had a run in with a Wal-Mart employee who was ignoring him, until he discovered she was deaf. His name fits him. I am not a particularly religious person, but I prayed for a son just like Joey. He and his wife are some of the best people I know.  Did his name define him, or did he define his name?

I have a friend name Joel. He is without question on of the finest people I have ever met. He is as honest and hardworking a person. He has a wonderful family, and I really am a better person because I know him.

I also have a friend that I have known from my childhood. His name is Mike. I strive to be more like Mike every day. He has two awesome kids, one is a teacher and one is serving our country. He and his amazing wife don’t try to be special, they just are.

All of this culminates into one thought. I believe people with simple names, seem to be better people.

I think names do a great deal to define a person.  The top five names this year for males are Liam, Noah, Ethan, Mason and Jacob. I was under the impression they are trying to stop bullying, these names will not help.

If you are currently pregnant think about what naming a kid means for their whole life.

But please, please do not name that beautiful innocent child Jeff!