I forgot to pick winners from my granola giveaway last Friday, so the winners are:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

11 22  31

Marcia @Frugal Healthy Simple said:

July 8, 2011 at 1:42 pm

Seriously? Cocoa goodness, hands down. But I love all granola.

Sounds like a great bike ride. I was a slug yesterday. Husband in Detroit on a business trip.

Lori said:

July 8, 2011 at 4:40 pm

I lurve granola! I eat it just as a snack – never with milk LOL.

Great job on the ride. Too bad we don’t still live in IL or I would go riding with you :D

And last:

Leslie said:

July 8, 2011 at 8:32 pm

Cranberry Pecan sounds incredible, Vat :-) !!!!

Please send my your mailing addresses at mybizzykitchen@gmail.com.  Congrats!

So to start my Clean Eating week and get the scale to move DOWN this week, I got my ass out of bed at 6:00 a.m. and by 6:15 I was in the car – it was partly sunny and warm.  I ended up doing 45 minutes of laps (boring – I need to check into water earbuds!) then 5 minutes in the hot tub and 5 minutes in the steam room.

I blow dry my hair, even put make up on! and when I walk into the main gym area to leave the lights shut off.  I look outside and it is so windy the rain is sideways and the trees seem as if they are going to snap any minute.  I had to wait 15 minutes for it to die down enough to drive home and change for work – only all the stop lights from the gym to my house were out – and I heard on the radio that our town had clocked 70 mph winds!

I ended up being 25 minutes late to work because of all the downed trees and stop lights out.   I ended up fixing my breakfast at work because our power was out at home.  An everything bagel thin, 1/2 cup egg beaters, 1/2 cup baby spinach and cheddar cheese with a side of watermelon.  Breakfast comes in at 7 points.

Luckily it cleared up in time for me to get out at lunch.  It was about 84 degrees, so I decided it would be a jogging day.  I warmed up for 5 minute walk, then jogged (90%) and walked a 5k in 40 minutes, then a 5 minute cool down.  Nice. πŸ˜€  I am actually enjoying running – I’ve got two jogging bras that are like shirts – they are a size small, so they are SUPER tight, but I don’t “jiggle” when I run, so it’s comfortable, they are just really hard to get off when they are all sweaty. πŸ™

One of the dishes I made for me and my SIL this week was Rocco DiSpirito’s Pad Thai Shrimp, except I adapted it to what I had on hand, and kicked it up on the spice level.  I am writing this recipe for one, but obviously it can easily be doubled – each serving is 8 PointsPlus.

Shrimp Pad Thai (adapted from Rocco DiSpirito)

  • 1/4 cup teriyaki sauce
  • 1/4 cup chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon reduced fat peanut butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon sriracha sauce
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspon lime juice
  • 1/2 cup cooked pasta
  • 1 cup broccoli
  • 4 ounces shrimp
  • 1/2 cup bean sprouts
  • 1/2 cup fresh baby spinach

In a skillet, mix together teriyaki sauce, peanut butter, chicken broth, sriracha, lime juice and olive oil.  Simmer for 5 minutes until the sauce starts to thicken and the peanut butter melts.  Set aside.

In another pot, bring water to a boil.  Add 1 ounce of pasta to water and cook according to package directions, except at three minutes left add the shrimp and broccoli to the boiling water, or until shrimp is cooked through.

Drain the pasta, shrimp and broccoli.  Add to the sauce mixture and right before eating, toss in the red pepper and bean sprouts.  I forgot the cilantro I had chopped to add because I didn’t see it because the power was out, but that would have been a nice addition to the dish.  And while the sauce tasted hot when I made it, it was a little weak when I reheated it, so I will add more sriracha next time. πŸ˜€

So by the time I got home, still no power, so Tony and I hop in the car trying to find a restaurant somewhat close that has power.  We ended up at Port Barrington.  We have never had a bad meal there.  I ended up getting a blackened grilled chicken sandwich and Tony got Chicken DeJonge with Vesuvio potatoes.  Hands down these are the best vesuvio potatoes (sorry no pic!) – they are tender and so flavorful, but probably half a stick of butter in one serving!

I also had three Michelob Ultra’s and while I thought they were 2 points each, turns out they were 3 points each.  So half my sandwich, a couple fries and 3 beers – eTools says my dinner was 17 points.  Not exactly the best Clean Eating day, but I was only 4 points over the the day – hey, that’s what flex points are for!

And it was blue skies driving home!

There were dozens of downed trees – one was pulled out from the roots!

So Tony and I sat outside last night, listening to the radio and talking.  Whenever I do a double workout, I am tired, so I went to bed at 10:30.  We left our blinds open and window open so we could get some breeze.  We normally sleep with a fan on – our neighborhood is so quiet, you need some white noise.  I fell asleep, but kept waking up – our dog was out of sorts too – he normally sleeps in front of the fan on our bedroom floor, and he kept looking at us like “who the fuck is going to turn on the fan??!!”

Fingers crossed the power gets restored – as of this morning our fridge and freezers were still cold – I’ll be pissed if I have to throw out food – we just went to Sam’s Club over the weekend. πŸ™  So you’ll have to come back tomorrow to see what sort of gas station food I came up with for breakfast!

Stats for Monday:

  • 45 minute swim
  • 50 minute walk/jog/40 minute 5k
  • 33 points
  • average blood sugar 109

It’s a beautiful day – hopefully the weather won’t get too hot the next couple days – send me your good vibes for the power to be restored soon! 

updated:  I just went on ComEd’s site – estimated recovery of electricity??  Midnight on Thursday, July 14 – WTF??!!