4.4.17 049

After a couple months of searching, finding places they like, only to have them go under contract before they can even see them, being outbid on other homes, they finally found one!  Not only that, their offer was accepted, below asking price, the home inspection went through with flying colors and if everything goes as planned, they will close on April 28.

I could not be happier for them.   Since I was a single Mom for the first 8 years of Hannah’s life, I’ve raised her to be independent.  The circumstance that had her move back in, only weeks after Tony died, with her boyfriend and two dogs, couldn’t have worked better for all of us.  They could save money and I could figure out my life without Tony.  I really don’t know what I would have done had I been living alone these last two years.   But I think I am in a good place.  They will only be 15 minutes from me (not 90 minutes like when she first moved out!) and it’s not like I don’t talk to her every day, even though we live together.  

I met them, Jacob parents and the realtor at the place so us parents could check it out last night.  I love how they have handled everything themselves.  Even though I’ve done real estate closing for years with my job in various law firms I’ve worked at, I have not butted in and have only answered questions that have been asked of me.   (Well, I did tell them how to take title of the house – but that’s it!) Open-mouthed smile

So afterwards we went out to an impromptu dinner at a place Tony and I used to take the kids when they were little.  When we had Joe on the weekends we’d ask the kids where they wanted to go to eat,  they would ask “can we go to the dead animal place?”  There are literally dead animals all over this place.

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Charlie and Jenn, it’s a restaurant where you can eat all the peanuts you want and throw the shells on the ground – always reminds me of Ground Round – isn’t that the place where we could do that when we were little?

Hannah has been stock piling and reorganzing their stuff from when they moved in for the last several weeks.  My back room is filled now with all the stuff that they will be moving.  I know they have wanted to be on their own for a while now, but I applaud how they handled looking for a house, not going over budget, and letting go when they were outbid.

Can you believe it was cheaper for them to buy a house than it was to rent?  So crazy!

So in less than a month, I’ll be an empty nester again.  And no, I am not going to get a dog (I am gone 12 hours a day) and I won’t get a cat because I don’t like cats.  My friend Alison suggested I get a fish, so maybe I’ll get a fish. 😀