February 14, 2017

Steak and Shrimp with Creole Pan Sauce

Steak and Shrimp with Creole Pan Sauce
I read that Helen and Caron thought that my overly snacky high point Friday was due to my two glasses of wine, but sadly, that was not the case.  I’d already eaten at least 15 points by then, and I will tell you that the snacking of 31 points was ALL day – not just at night, which is when the urge to snack usually...
February 14, 2017

Hash Waffle and Weekly Menu

Hash Waffle and Weekly Menu
I don’t know what it was about Friday, but I was snacky as shit.  I normally don’t have wine in the house anymore, but I had 1/3 of a bottle left from my #livefully  party which was 10 ounces – or basically a point an ounce.  After that it was crazy.  I found myself looking for something to eat like every 15 minutes!  But I...
February 13, 2017

Chickpeas and Potato Curry

Chickpeas and Potato Curry
The great thing about making waffles over the weekend when you have time is that you can have a quick breakfast during the work week.   I love the sweet/savory combo and made waffle breakfast sammies.  One waffle (4) stuffed with 1/2 cup liquid egg white and baby spinach (1) and 1/2 ounce everything bagel Cabot cheese (2) then drizzled with sugar free pancake syrup (1)....
February 9, 2017

Zero Point Pan Steak Sauce

Zero Point Pan Steak Sauce
I had hoped to post a recipe for a PB2 granola that doesn’t taste like ass and is low in points, but that my friends, hasn’t happened yet.  But I had a parfait on my breakfast menu, and darn it, it’s just not the same without granola.  Why does granola have to have so many points?!   I had Kashi Go Lean in my desk drawer...
February 8, 2017

Chicken and Waffles

Chicken and Waffles
I finally got a chance to download my pictures from the weekend.  I had such a great time at Kendall College for the high school culinary semi-finals, and saw some of the same people from last year which was nice. The students practiced three separate menus and didn’t know until last Friday morning when they got to the college what menu they would be doing. ...
February 7, 2017

3 Point Biscuits and Accountability

3 Point Biscuits and Accountability
Before we get into today’s blog post, can we find out who the winner is of the Oprah Cookbook?! Darlene Hi Biz! Thanks for the giveaway. I enjoy reading your posts every day. Wishing you lots of success on your WW journey.  Louisiana Congrats Darlene!  Shoot me an email at mybizzykitchen@gmail.com and I’ll get your copy in the mail. I had a very busy weekend. ...
February 6, 2017

Banana Blueberry Pancakes

Banana Blueberry Pancakes
I don’t normally blog on the weekends, but wanted to provide a link to share these delicious banana and blueberry pancakes.  While I was writing the recipe down as I went along, in my head I thought for sure they’d be about 7 smart points a serving, but after I put it in the WW recipe builder, 1/2 a serving, or 3 pancakes, came in...
February 4, 2017

Microwave Chocolate Cake

Microwave Chocolate Cake
I finally made a microwave chocolate cake! A few of you mentioned in my last post about the nutrition label for the tomato soup.  The plug in that I use gets automatically generated when I enter the ingredients.  However, sometimes it’s not that accurate, like yesterday’s recipe.  The nutrition based on Oprah’s cookbook for the tomato soup is 173 calories, or 4 smart points for...
February 3, 2017

Food, Health and Happiness

Food, Health and Happiness
Tony used to make fun of me the way I “read” a cookbook like a great piece of fiction.  It’s true though.  I usually page through it from start to finish, with my little post-it notes flagging the recipes I’d like to try first. Oprah actually starts out the cookbook writing about her ups and downs over the years regarding her weight.   Nothing I hadn’t...
February 2, 2017