I slept in until 9:00 yesterday morning – it was so nice.  The coffee was already made and Tony made me his wonderful eggs – 1 egg, the rest egg beaters made with this spicy oil that he cooks the eggs up in – served on a crispy corn tortilla with fruit on the side.  Delicious!

Then Hannah wanted to know if I wanted a pedicure or a hair cut.  I’d been thinking about getting my hair cut for a while – once its long enough to put in a ponytail, that’s usually all I do.  Tony called our local hair salon – it was 10:58 in the morning – they had an opening at 11:15!  I took a shower, got dressed and Hannah and I were in the salon at 11:14 – whew. šŸ˜€

No more pony tail!

You’ll see the pictures of my hair further down.  When we got back Hannah and I took a 55 minute walk – the temperature was perfect, probably 60 degrees and sunny.  Then I made drop biscuits to bring to my Mom’s for dinner.  My sister and her kids met us over at my Mom’s. 

Jenn’s kids – Mark, Paul and Claire with HannahJenn and me – you can see how short the back of my hair is!

My Mom made a wonderful dinner – pot roast with roasted potatoes and carrots, a fruit salad and I had one of my biscuits.

This tree that Hannah climbed was planted when she was born – 19 years ago – its so big now!

A picture of me and my Momma:

And my favorite picture of the day – I think I want to frame this one šŸ˜€

Hope everyone had a great weekend!   I am off to style my hair – fingers crossed I can make it look half way decent!  Have a great Monday!